Tuesday, January 18, 2011

weird dream..

have you ever had a dream that feels like its a sign? gosh i hope my dream from last night wasn't a sign!

my family went to this amusement park and every ride was made for 2 people and me, having a family of 7, was left alone while everyone else paired up with each other and so i went on a few rides by myself, one being this practically deserted ride that was a swinging tractor that your feet hung out of the bottom and you went over a pig pen. So while i was swinging back and forth the pigs kept jumping up and biting my toes and hanging on and i just kept trying to kick them off and finally the guy running it stopped it to kick me off because i was kicking the pigs... so i went on to another rides (also looking unpopular but still with a few people in line) and just as i joined the back i heard the worker calling for a single rider so i raised my hand and i was the only single rider in line so i jumped ahead and got right on. I got partnered with this lie 6'5" black guy who was attractive and we talked a bit and than the ride started and after we got off i said bye to him and started to walk away but he caught up to me with two little girls trailing him and he asked me if i'd like to hang with him and his sisters since i appeared to have no one to ride with and i agreed and his sisters Natasha and Alaia were adorable!! They were both holding my hands as we walked between rides but after about our 4th ride together Guy (i just call him that because i never learned his name) took my hand and he just smiled at me and we walked casually to the next ride his sisters running ahead of us and when we were standing in line Guy leaned down and kissed me on the cheek and told me thanks for hanging with him and his sisters and i had butterflies! it was so cute! and so after that ride we were standing at a food stand when someone grabbed me from behind and pulled me away saying "you know better than to hang with strangers!" Dad. So i got dragged back to our rental house where i stayed in my room because i was upset i got yelled at for hanging with strangers when my own family deserted me!

hmm... Guy :) he was a great guy, but just a dream man, and actually he reminded me a lot of my boyfriend but... african american.

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