Monday, January 17, 2011

Really? (Sarcastic + Anxious)

So i can officially admit that I am an emotional eater. It's not very hard to admit because i have this tiny sized peanut of a stomach and tend to eat 6 meals a day that are all the portions comparable to what a mouse would eat so adding in snacks doesn't really add much to my daily feeding. What i do find hard to admit is how easily emotionally stressed i get. The stupidest things set me off into this emotional temper-tantrum that usually takes place inside me and lights little fuses that wind into this ball of tangled fuses all linking to this massive ticking time bomb that one of these days one of these fuses is going to let it blow.

oh and did i mention this time bomb can reassemble itself in seconds and the process starts all over again... my poor boyfriend...

Anyway Trix was the emotional feeding tonight after i was upset because my boyfriend didn't hang out with me today (it sounds petty i know but i just get so excited to see him and we sorta had plans to hang out (sorta meaning nothing definite but talked and agreed of hanging out) but he got in a foul mood so watched football all day and went to bed early..
This shouldn't effect me as bad as it does.. but for some reason a fuse is still lit...

Anyone have any idea how to remove this emotional time-bomb?

Also CRAMPS SUCK!! so for those ladies out there i'd like to introduce you to a friend of mine... his name is TJ.. my wonderful boyfriend gave him to me as a christmas present. TJ is a stuffed giraffe that has a velcro pocket in the belly that holds a heating pad. 1 minute in the microwave with a cup of water and TJ's tummy is a cramps worse nightmare!!

and that is the end of my rantings for the night.. Goodnight!

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