Monday, January 31, 2011

Winter Storm Warning

The biggest storm ever is apparently supposed to hit here... 1 class is already cancelled today. I was hoping for at least 2 more but... no such luck yet!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Hmm...I Wish!

I slept at home last night and when I woke up I was super excited to have my usual bowl of cereal that i enjoy while at home! Unfortunately I go and pour a big bowl of Trix and than I pulled out the milk and by habit looked at the expiration date because my house is known for letting milk spoil... sure enough 1/23/11... I didn't get my bowl of cereal

Date Night

BLUE MAN GROUP!! Gosh it was AMAZING!! I can't wait till i get to go again!! We had balcolny seats so we weren't close, but in the Lied Center every seat is good, but it just wasn't as interactive as it was below, which the boyfriend says it'd be worth it to get closer seats next time! It was kinda funny because I got these tickets as a graduation present.. which graduation was in the Lied Center, so on the same stage a few months ago i received my diploma, and now it was paint-covered by three men with blue faces :)
Such a good night! We went to Lazlos before and we were all dressed up!
I love date nights :)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Watching Made...

So i'm watching a Made episode on MTV about these twins who are trying to be more independent and they get sent to Australia and while i am watching it I see one of the twins get thrown into her hotel pool... not so weird.. but what is weird.. IS I WAS THERE!!!!!!!!!
It was the Hostel me and a group stayed at when we traveled around Australia for 3 weeks!
It was the greatest trip of my life!! except... I went with my mom and dad and sister in the group.
Which isn't the most terrible thing except that i didn't get a chance to miss my family.
I leave for Peru for 2 weeks in May... my sister is once again going with me... which is a step down!
Hopefully by my Jr year of college i'll be taking a trip with just friends and a group!

What is my dream?

I have been thinking alot lately about dreams. Most people my age have dreams of careers and families.. and while i am quite like them, i wouldn't say that my lifetime dream is to be a teacher and a mother. Those are both things i want to become and spend my life doing, but a lifetime dream i feel should be more dreamish... something that has a sense of unrealism so that it feels that much better when one accomplishes it!
Just now.. like right before i started writing this, i think i figured out what my dream is!!

I want to be captured in a well-known photograph or painting.
Like these

I want to be nameless but timeless. So that i can live forever in history as a symbol of something or another. I would prefer something honorable of course!

I need to go to bed!!

AHH!! I have 8 am class tomorrow!! but yet... I can't go to bed! I was working on a project all night and Mrs. Doubtfire came on tv and how could i not watch it!? and that just finished around 1am... but than The Princess Bride (older version) came on and frankly i have yet to see this and i would very much like to! but the fact that i have 8am class.... oh decisions!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

hmm...Which One?

my boyfriends stapler is secretly a Transformer
we tried convincing him to transform, but he appears to not be ready yet..
Will keep you updated on when it happens..

Say Yes to the Dress..

Gosh... this show just makes me want to go wedding dress shopping!!!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


These days will be the death of me

I begin at 8am in Problem Solving
9am is Political Science
10am is History of the U.S. II
11am is Environmental Geology
and 12pm is Introduction to Psychology
not only do i go from class to class.... but I also switch buildings for every single class.. Awesome.

The classes themselves won't be too bad, but Geology.. that'll be a downer.. and History the subject is a good one for me.. but the teacher is going to make it hell.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

here we go... Freshman year round 2!

finally all packed in.... I couldn't be more tired and feeling all nervous for classes tomorrow. I have all my classes tomorrow starting at 8am... here goes nothing!!

Monday, January 24, 2011


I go back tomorrow... I leave my house at 10:15 to pick up my friend and be on our way at 10:30.... I have barely started packing... The Office is too distracting... I also went shopping...
I think i bought enough food to last me the semester... yet I feel like it will be gone within the first month...
I am trying really hard to get the motivation to pack...
The only reason i am not in bed right now is because my bed is covered in things that need to be packed....

Oh where oh where is motivation?

Definitely not here...
Try this Relaxer Challenge

The Maury Show...

Oh what an addiction this is...
I can't describe some of the people on this show.
But i can't stop watching it!!

My love of country music...

Not everyone can understand country music. It's a blessing to be able to because if i didn't, i would miss out on some of the most sincere lyrics and music that has ever been sung.

you don't fall out of love with country music ever. This was one of the first songs i ever heard, and i am still just as in love with it today as i was when i was 6.

The fact that these girls are called the "JaneDear Girls" is just proof that these artist aren't afraid to be a little goofy and be who they are. I love the catchy tune to this song!

I saw Tim McGraw in concert, during his song "Just to See You Smile" He pulled a young girl between 8-12 onto stage and sang it to her with his arm around her. It was the most adorable thing i've ever seen!

Brad Paisley describes country music at its best in his new song!

Saturday, January 22, 2011


This is episode 10 "Murder" of season 6 of The Office... 
my friends and i reenacting that scene our senior year

Hmm...Which One?

My boyfriend loves these Nature Habitat shits and I really want one too... Now i need your help to decide which one to get!!

Over The Moon
Tiger Gaze

The only thing that really bothers me.. is I had 1 or 2 that I really wanted... But i can only find a rare few shirts that come in size small.
So these are my options! I like both almost equally... So i need your help!

Its snowing... Again

Because of the snow my shifts at work got cancelled yesterday and today... lets see if i can go for tomorrow too!
I move back to college on either Monday night or Tuesday morning.. pumped? yes!
One of the sorority's is sponsoring a graffiti dance the first friday back. Meaning that everyone wears a white t-shirt and brings colorful sharpies to write on each other... I gotta be careful.. I have a transfer visit the next morning... that could be interesting :)
Next Saturday night... will be epic! For graduation my boyfriend got me Blue Man Group tickets!!!
In case you've never heard of the Blue Man Group.. or just would love to see a video.. here is one for you :)
ps. if anyone has a light up dress i can have.. i will wear it.. and take pictures

I let my sisters friends take her dog...

They showed up my house when she wasn't home yet and i said they could stay till she got home. After a while they said they were going to leave till she came back and they asked if they could take my sister's dog (a little shitzapoo) and I didn't think anything of it... so i let them take her dog... found out later in the night that they didn't return her till super late and had taken her to one of their houses to meet his dog, and they also let her drive... When i was getting ready for bed she was practically passed out on the couch... I think she had fun :)

Friday, January 21, 2011

Quote of the Day

I hate when I just miss a call by the last ring (Hello?  Hello? Damn it!), but when I immediately call back, it rings nine times and goes to voice mail. What did you do after I didn’t answer? Drop the phone and run away?

This quotes my favorite because almost every time i go to visit my boyfriend the almost exact same thing happens no fail! Except in this situation I text him saying "Hey i'm close!" he replies saying "Great!" and usually just about the time i get his response, i'm pulling into a meter spot and so i give him a call that i'm here so he can come let me in, and lo and behold.. he doesn't answer! It never ceases to amaze me how he can't pick up the dang phone after he just sent me a text. He has all kinds of excuses like, 

A. i didn't hear it ring
B. I went to get a drink
C. I was putting on pants

C- so far was my favorite

I have a friend who does almost the exact same thing, except she just doesn't answer the phone.. Ever. I'll be texting her for like 3 hours just back and forth and suddenly something urgent will come up and i'll want to call her quick and tell her... and it just rings and rings and rings... till finally i hang up... 20 seconds later i'll get a text, "whats up?" 
This is the time i'd probably use my catchphrase... "really?"

Thursday, January 20, 2011

How should i get to my car today?

See the white car... that's mine.. see the pond in front of it.. awesome! I considered water skiing to my car after work this afternoon. Hey at least the snow is melting!


Good morning to all! Had another weird dream again...
I've forgotten a lot of it already but basically i had to battle this guy...
you ever seen this guy?
He's from the movie How to Train Your Dragon - which my boyfriend and i rented 2 weeks ago and it was amazing! If you have kids i definitely recommend it! If you don't but you enjoy a good movie, i still recommend it :)

Here's the trailer!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What i like to call... Physics Art

*yes this does have a pattern to it*

They're called Physics Art because i did (almost) all of them on graph paper i borrowed from my physics teacher in high school and colored while in his class. I didn't learn a lot in physics....

Love Lessons to Live By

Courtesty of Stumbleupon:
Love Lessons to Live By
Has anyone see this movie? It was on this morning and i saw the first twenty minutes 
before i had to leave for work... is it worth hunting down to watch?

New Drinking Game?

The Caption is what makes it
my dad loves this commercial!
Officially just got told by a friend that i should become asian... can honestly say that's a first

Songs i'm obsessed with right now

Wildflower - janedear girls
I won't let go - rascal flatts

My 16 year old sister's friends kept t-ping our house, so for my sister's 16th birthday my other sister and i t-ped her room before she got home from school

Good Morning

Just a little happiness to wake up to

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Awesome would be the word to describe this guys drawing in his comedic youtube video

Swoozie06 is his youtube page, feel free to also look up "Confessions of a Disney Employee"
He's hilarious!

weird dream..

have you ever had a dream that feels like its a sign? gosh i hope my dream from last night wasn't a sign!

my family went to this amusement park and every ride was made for 2 people and me, having a family of 7, was left alone while everyone else paired up with each other and so i went on a few rides by myself, one being this practically deserted ride that was a swinging tractor that your feet hung out of the bottom and you went over a pig pen. So while i was swinging back and forth the pigs kept jumping up and biting my toes and hanging on and i just kept trying to kick them off and finally the guy running it stopped it to kick me off because i was kicking the pigs... so i went on to another rides (also looking unpopular but still with a few people in line) and just as i joined the back i heard the worker calling for a single rider so i raised my hand and i was the only single rider in line so i jumped ahead and got right on. I got partnered with this lie 6'5" black guy who was attractive and we talked a bit and than the ride started and after we got off i said bye to him and started to walk away but he caught up to me with two little girls trailing him and he asked me if i'd like to hang with him and his sisters since i appeared to have no one to ride with and i agreed and his sisters Natasha and Alaia were adorable!! They were both holding my hands as we walked between rides but after about our 4th ride together Guy (i just call him that because i never learned his name) took my hand and he just smiled at me and we walked casually to the next ride his sisters running ahead of us and when we were standing in line Guy leaned down and kissed me on the cheek and told me thanks for hanging with him and his sisters and i had butterflies! it was so cute! and so after that ride we were standing at a food stand when someone grabbed me from behind and pulled me away saying "you know better than to hang with strangers!" Dad. So i got dragged back to our rental house where i stayed in my room because i was upset i got yelled at for hanging with strangers when my own family deserted me!

hmm... Guy :) he was a great guy, but just a dream man, and actually he reminded me a lot of my boyfriend but... african american.

Monday, January 17, 2011

kick butt quesadilla

made a quesadilla for lunch, it was epic


1. at red lights i am often brought out of my thoughts the vast blinkers that surround me
2. i shop to make myself feel better
3. my boyfriend and i both admitted we used to have more fun.. (i think we just had the same amount of fun it just only seemed like more fun because it was all new..hmm new topic: what are some things couples can do to keep fun in the relationship?)
4. i have never made a milkshake that doesn't fit in my cup perfectly, its a gift

new addition to my dream house pt. 1

Who wouldn't want a staircase/slide?

busy busy busy!

too much paperwork to do!! no time!!
just finished my billing information for my cleaning job and now onto my paperwork for my study abroad trip to Peru!!
Later i'll need to run errands for notebooks and an ottoman for school!
I move back some things tomorrow!! Pretty excited!!

just bought season 6 of the office on ebay!! can't wait to have more office marathons!!

Really? (Sarcastic + Anxious)

So i can officially admit that I am an emotional eater. It's not very hard to admit because i have this tiny sized peanut of a stomach and tend to eat 6 meals a day that are all the portions comparable to what a mouse would eat so adding in snacks doesn't really add much to my daily feeding. What i do find hard to admit is how easily emotionally stressed i get. The stupidest things set me off into this emotional temper-tantrum that usually takes place inside me and lights little fuses that wind into this ball of tangled fuses all linking to this massive ticking time bomb that one of these days one of these fuses is going to let it blow.

oh and did i mention this time bomb can reassemble itself in seconds and the process starts all over again... my poor boyfriend...

Anyway Trix was the emotional feeding tonight after i was upset because my boyfriend didn't hang out with me today (it sounds petty i know but i just get so excited to see him and we sorta had plans to hang out (sorta meaning nothing definite but talked and agreed of hanging out) but he got in a foul mood so watched football all day and went to bed early..
This shouldn't effect me as bad as it does.. but for some reason a fuse is still lit...

Anyone have any idea how to remove this emotional time-bomb?

Also CRAMPS SUCK!! so for those ladies out there i'd like to introduce you to a friend of mine... his name is TJ.. my wonderful boyfriend gave him to me as a christmas present. TJ is a stuffed giraffe that has a velcro pocket in the belly that holds a heating pad. 1 minute in the microwave with a cup of water and TJ's tummy is a cramps worse nightmare!!

and that is the end of my rantings for the night.. Goodnight!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Mhhm Saturday Night...

What do i do on a Saturday night after a long day of work? I enjoy a milkshake while immersing myself in 2 episodes of Grey's Anatomy and 3 episodes of Desperate Housewives!

First Time!!!

Yay! for the first blog post!! 
Why did I start this you may ask, simply because I love making status updates on facebook but I don't like the idea of everyone on facbeook reading them and people who could rather care less being bombarded with my going ons, so why not start a blog!?