Monday, January 31, 2011

Winter Storm Warning

The biggest storm ever is apparently supposed to hit here... 1 class is already cancelled today. I was hoping for at least 2 more but... no such luck yet!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Hmm...I Wish!

I slept at home last night and when I woke up I was super excited to have my usual bowl of cereal that i enjoy while at home! Unfortunately I go and pour a big bowl of Trix and than I pulled out the milk and by habit looked at the expiration date because my house is known for letting milk spoil... sure enough 1/23/11... I didn't get my bowl of cereal

Date Night

BLUE MAN GROUP!! Gosh it was AMAZING!! I can't wait till i get to go again!! We had balcolny seats so we weren't close, but in the Lied Center every seat is good, but it just wasn't as interactive as it was below, which the boyfriend says it'd be worth it to get closer seats next time! It was kinda funny because I got these tickets as a graduation present.. which graduation was in the Lied Center, so on the same stage a few months ago i received my diploma, and now it was paint-covered by three men with blue faces :)
Such a good night! We went to Lazlos before and we were all dressed up!
I love date nights :)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Watching Made...

So i'm watching a Made episode on MTV about these twins who are trying to be more independent and they get sent to Australia and while i am watching it I see one of the twins get thrown into her hotel pool... not so weird.. but what is weird.. IS I WAS THERE!!!!!!!!!
It was the Hostel me and a group stayed at when we traveled around Australia for 3 weeks!
It was the greatest trip of my life!! except... I went with my mom and dad and sister in the group.
Which isn't the most terrible thing except that i didn't get a chance to miss my family.
I leave for Peru for 2 weeks in May... my sister is once again going with me... which is a step down!
Hopefully by my Jr year of college i'll be taking a trip with just friends and a group!

What is my dream?

I have been thinking alot lately about dreams. Most people my age have dreams of careers and families.. and while i am quite like them, i wouldn't say that my lifetime dream is to be a teacher and a mother. Those are both things i want to become and spend my life doing, but a lifetime dream i feel should be more dreamish... something that has a sense of unrealism so that it feels that much better when one accomplishes it!
Just now.. like right before i started writing this, i think i figured out what my dream is!!

I want to be captured in a well-known photograph or painting.
Like these

I want to be nameless but timeless. So that i can live forever in history as a symbol of something or another. I would prefer something honorable of course!

I need to go to bed!!

AHH!! I have 8 am class tomorrow!! but yet... I can't go to bed! I was working on a project all night and Mrs. Doubtfire came on tv and how could i not watch it!? and that just finished around 1am... but than The Princess Bride (older version) came on and frankly i have yet to see this and i would very much like to! but the fact that i have 8am class.... oh decisions!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

hmm...Which One?

my boyfriends stapler is secretly a Transformer
we tried convincing him to transform, but he appears to not be ready yet..
Will keep you updated on when it happens..